LORNOAR China Tour 2018 Concert Tianjin

LORNOAR Inaugural Concert MASA African market for performing arts Abidjan 2018

LORNOAR PIC from "ASUJE" Music video

LORNOAR China Tour 2018 Concert Tianjin
// Origin: Yaoundé, CAMEROON
// Genres: World Music, African Music
// Years Active: 2007- Present
// Label: NOARE Prod
// Website: www.lornoar.com
Lornoar (pron.: /lᴐR’noaR/) is a singer, songwriter and dancer from Cameroon. Born and raised in Yaoundé, the capital city, she began her career at an early age. She made her debut as a professional singer in 2007, being featured in a prominent night-club of the town. In 2010 she took part in the nation-wide competition of female voices “MASSAO” in Douala, winning the first prize.
In July 2011, she released her first solo album, earning numerous hyperbolic reviews;

Band members
Tech rider
Management | Patrick THOMAS
B. P. 1 5 3 4 8 — Yaoundé — CAMEROUN
(+237) 694 63 37 91 — contact @ l o r n o a r . c o m
Etats-Unis : Alex BOICEL – Afromondo
Afrique : Tony MEFE – Scène d’Ebène
Monde hispanophone : Benjamin ECHE Conexión AfriCana
Europe : Patrick THOMAS – PTC
Chine : DDL (Dusk Dawn Label) DDL厂牌 jincanzh@gmail.com
Site Web : w w w. l o r n o a r . c o m